Forfatterarkiv: teveo

SEA 1480 & 1481

SEA 1480 is expected into Rotterdam for reload today and should arrive 3 June, we hope to start distribution end of next week (5-6 June)

SEA 1481 has the same ETA and is expected into distribution end of next week or beginning of the following week (9-10 June)

SEA 1475 & 1476

SEA 1475 has a preliminary ETA 17/2 into Oslo/Fr.stad.

SEA 1476 has a preliminary ETA 5/3 into Oslo/Fr.stad.

Actual arrival depend om Vessel noe being delayed into Rotterdam where the cargo is loaded onto feeder Vessel. If the cargo misses the feeder tit will go with another feeder Vessel but his usually creates a 5-7 day delay.

SEA 1467 & 1468

SEA 1467 has an preliminary ETA 27Th September

SEA 1468 has an preliminary ETA 4Th October

(SEA 1466 has gone into domestic distribution)

Status AIR

Air is on schedule and we distribute Monday or Tuesday’s every week in Norway and a day later in Sweden & EU.


Package distribution will not be affected by staff vacation but we have to prioritise operational tasks.

Phone support will be limited in July – Please use the Helpdesk for support requests.


SEA 1464 is arriving in our terminal tomorrow 14 Th – distribution into Norway and EU will start Friday 14 Th / Monday 17 Th July.

SEA 1465 has a preliminary ETA 2-4 Th August.

We have changed the provider & route and AIR 990 should be with us much faster next week. (update AIR 990 & 991 arrived on schedule, expect AIR shipments to be in domestic distribution Tuesdays)

AIR 992 goes into distribution 18-19 Th July.


AIR – we have seen delays out of JFK last few weeks. We are working to find alternative routes.

AIR 989 is expected to arrive 29 Th June.

SEA 1462 has arrived, goods going into domestic distribution starting today the 6Th.

SEA 1463 is expected 20-22 June, delay in Hamburg confirmed ETA is 29 Th June.

SEA 1464 has a preliminary ETA 11 Th July.


SEA 1461 is being transloaded in Rotterdam today, we expect it to arrive in Halden 16-18 May. Domestic distribution expected within 24-36 hours after arrival in our warehouse.

SEA 1462 left USA the 5 May and is expected around 28-30 Th may for domestic distribution late May / early June.

AIR batches now have departure on Mondays and we are now seeing domestic distribution Wednesdays and Thursdays. This is due to summer schedules with our air transporter.

SWEDEN: We have a delay of distribution into Sweden, this should be resolved by this mid-week. Its is a logistics and customs issue we are working full-time to resolve.


AIR 978 will go into domestic distribution starting tomorrow the 12 Th.

SEA 1458 is expected to go into domestic distribution 13 Th April.
SEA 1457 is expected to harbour Friday the 14 Th April and should be in domestic distribution 17-18Th April.

SEA 1459 is expected to arrive 18 Th April.
SEA 1460 is expected to arrive 22 Th April.

AIR 977 – all goods has gone into domestic distribution, due to Easter there may be delays in domestic distribution.


Air 977 has been delayed with one day and is expected down to Halden for domestic distribution later today 4 March. We hope to get everything into distribution by 1400 hours tomorrow.

UPDATE Air & Sea

 SEA 1457 and 1458 expected 6 – 8Th April.

SEA 1459 has a preliminary ETA 18 Th April.
SEA 1460 has a preliminary ETA 22Th April.

AIR has been on schedule last few weeks, we are expecting 976 for going into distribution tomorrow.


AIR 973 arrived on schedule and went into domestic distribution yesterday and today.

SEA 1456 is slightly delayed, it was loaded onto feeder in Rotterdam the 7 Th and will arrive in Oslo the 10 Th. We expect domestic distribution starting 13 Th March.

SEA 1457 and 1458 is expected late March / Early April. We will update as soon as we have preliminary ETA’s.