Kategoriarkiv: Driftsmelding

SEA 1425

SEA 1425 has a new ETA 14/8 due to high traffic at the port in Bremerhaven. We are in communication with the shipping company to solve this as quickly as possible. We are very sorry for the delay.


AIR 884 is expected this afternoon, distribution in Norway from tomorrow 22 June, Sweden and EU from Wednesday.

SEA 1424 is expected in on the 2nd of July, SEA 1425 is expected mid July, there seem to be delays due to lack of containers or chassis and vessel rotation.


AIR 883 is expected to be in distribution 15-16 June.

SEA 1423 is now expected 17 June, we will start distributing as soon as possible.

AIR 882 went into distribution 8 June, Swedish and EU distribution was 2 days delayed but should be traceable by end of today.

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