JC Technology

JetCarrier have 20+ years of experience in building a solid platform for logistics solutions. Including transport, warehousing, customs clearance, API integrations and cross-border solutions.
Join our matrix today.
BTS – bulk transport solution
At JetCarrier we have had systems for bulk transport solutions for 20+ years. Our systems support multiple orders from multiple vendors in the same shipment, thus combining the most affordable transport solutions with a lesser carbon footprint than most other solutions.
BCS – Bulk clearance system
We are holding two of only six bulk clearance permits in Norway. With our API integrations towards the Norwegian Customs Clearance system we offer solutions for customs clearance of millions of parcels yearly.
API smartness
Our enterprise API offers easy of use and simple integration.
Client to client certificates ensures a safe transport chain for your data.
Module masters
You will soon find our integration modules on the most used e-commerce platforms. Making it a breeze for even small companies to take advantage of our JC Tech for all their purposes.